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Gigi Bisong

In this stillness you awaken to the truth that nothing is wrong with you

I am here to remind you of your glorious self. Inviting you to a place where your innate magic can have freedom to fly.

Let's Meet

I'm Gigi!  A Dedicated Learner and Teacher of Self Love and Awakening of your Souls Essence

I'm speaker, author, publisher, and life coach.


My passion is helping you connect to your truth center.


I do this by helping you learn to be ok with your most insecure parts, knowing those insecure parts are far from your entire truth. I hold space for you so you can shine. So your divine self can come through fully.


I develop meaningful and innovative programs to align you to your unique genius so you can bring your gift into this world and truly embody your calling. 


I imagine a world where we all are embodying our callings and no longer slaves to our past social conditioning. 


I'm committed to doing my part to make this a reality one connection at a time. 


If interested in partnering, collaborating, hiring me to speak, or bringing my unique programs to your school, organization or company send me and let's connect!


My Services

About Me

Your Beauty will no longer be repressed.

I create spaces for you to feel comforted by the divine glorious power within you, so you may know her much deeper. She has bold, clear, piercing and potent teachings to bring to the world and you my dear are her channel. The channel is there always has been. Sisterhood is the foundation of all the work that I create. It is my calling for you to experience the Divine in you all while seeing the divine in others. 

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OMG, Gigi’s energy is contagious! You can feel her bright light as soon as she walks into the room! I’ve had the pleasure of working with her numerous times over the past 7 years in multiple capacities.  Her beautiful authentic voice shines through in all her writing, motivational speeches, and workshops, as does her powerful message of female empowerment and creating much-needed sisterhood among us women. Her words resonate deep on the soul level, allowing us to step into our divine selves more fully. I highly recommend working with her, she will help to ignite you so you feel inspired and empowered!

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